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Tax Breakdown Service for ETF’s and Trusts from now offers a streamlined method for importing phantom distribution and return of capital transactions for many exchange traded funds (ETF’s), publicly traded mutual funds, income trusts and real estate investment trusts (REITs).  Learn more about this feature. When you own exchange traded funds (ETF’s), trusts, or other kinds of publicly traded funds, your brokerage […]

Should RRSP and TFSA Transactions be Included when Calculating ACB?

You may own the same security in both your non-registered account and registered accounts (TFSA, RRSP, RRIF, RESP, and RDSP accounts).  As discussed, adjusted cost base should be calculated jointly when an identical security is owned in multiple non-registered accounts. Transactions in registered accounts should not be considered when calculating ACB.  Securities in registered accounts […]

The Portfolio Feature on provides a feature that allows you to have multiple portfolios in a single account.  This feature allows you to manage and calculate multiple sets of ACB’s using a single account. This feature should be used for the following: To separate ACB calculations between a personal account and a corporate account. To calculate ACB […]

Using the Initial Shares and Initial ACB Fields when Adding a New Security

When adding a new security on, you’re presented with two optional fields: Initial Shares Initial Adjusted Cost Base The purpose of this feature is to allow you to specify initial values for the number of shares and the ACB if you’ve previously calculated your ACB using another method (with another tool, using a spreadsheet, […]